Friday, March 14, 2014

Luck of the Irish!

In honor of the upcoming St. Patrick's Day, today we traveled to Ireland!  We saw some pretty amazing and beautiful sites!

Blarney Castle, home of the blarney stone!  Kiss it and you will have good luck!

Cliffs of Moher

Dublin Castle

Giant's Causeway, an area near the sea, is 40,000 interlocking basalt columns created by a volcanic eruption.  Ask your child about the legend of this site!

Kilkenny Castle

The lush Irish countryside

Yearbooks:  If you purchased a yearbook, it is coming home with your child today.  If you did not, and would like to, we do have a limited number of extras.  They are available for $14, first come first served. 

Guest Day:  If you have not yet returned your child's slip for Guest Day, please do so as soon as possible.  I will need to plan accordingly and find guests for those children who can not have anyone come.

ISTEP:  Our 3rd and 4th graders were working really hard earlier this week taking the important ISTEP test.  To help pump them up, our class made little treats and delivered them to Mrs. Spicer's 4th grade class this week.  We also did a few little cheers to help get them ready to do their best!  The 4th graders made us a big poster to thank us for cheering them on.  In addition, the Creekside Staff made this video to let our kids know they were going to do AWESOME!  The kids have LOVED watching this every morning!  Ask them about the 'special' footage from the cutting room floor that I let them watch as well!

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