Monday, March 24, 2014

Almost Spring!

I don't know about you, but I am ready for some warmer weather!!  I am hoping this cold weather gets out of here and spring break will be gorgeous!  I have some big projects I want to work on at home!  But, before break can get here, we do have a few things going on this week!!

Superkids:  This week we are working on Unit 5 and the letter Pp.  Please continue to work with your child on identifying the letter and saying its sound, along with writing it correctly!  Also, the Parent Portal is updated so be sure to take advantage of this website over Spring Break!

Math:  This week in math we will be doing the following:

  • Making 3-D shapes from toothpicks and marshmallows
  • Playing some addition and subtraction games with dice
  • Making a graph of all of the box tops we collected last week (over 500!!)
  • Using craft sticks to help us count by 10's and 1's
Don't forget to keep playing the games on our Everyday Math website.  There is a link to this website on the right hand side of this blog.  Your child's log-in and password were sent home earlier this year.

Spring Pictures:  These will be taken this Wednesday.  Don't forget this is PREPAY only.  Your child will only be photographed if you have ordered pictures online or have returned the order packet.  Remember the company has a 100% guaranteed satisfaction with the pictures.  If you do not like them, your money will be refunded.

Scholastic Book Orders:  These came home on Friday.  Orders will be due to me on Thursday.  I will be placing the order after school and the books should be here when we return from break.  In your child's green folder is a coupon for a free book when you spend $10 or more.  These were sent as a gift from the company.  Please disregard the February expiration date.  Scholastic has informed me these are good through March 31.  Remember you can order online using our class code J2PCY or by returning the paper form and a check.

Guest Day:  Don't forget that Guest Day is coming up on Thursday.  Guests may arrive at 1:25.  We will begin at 1:30.  If you intend for your child to be able to go home with their guest on that day, be sure to send in a note that morning in your child's green folder.  If I have not received notification from you, your child will be sent home in their normal manner.

Potato People:  Today we finished up our Ireland craft from Friday.  We talked a bit about the potato famine and read the book "Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato."  Then today each kid made their own potato person.  We gave it a funny Irish name and tomorrow we'll be doing a writing piece about it being "No Ordinary Potato!"  These are hanging up in the hallway!

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