Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day!

What a busy week we have had!

We have started a brand new section of Superkids this week.  The Superkids are now working together to create their own club.  It will be a lot of fun as we discover some new adventures with our friends.  As we work through these new units, each book will now include 2 letters instead of 1.  We began working with B today, and in a few days will start working with R.  The unit workbook will come home with your child in a few weeks when we are done with both letters.  Make sure to check the updated Parent Portal for books and game access.

Also, this week we sent an email to our Superkid friends...and they emailed us back!!  We were so excited to hear from them.  Be sure to ask your child about the email.

This week in math we have been busy with the following skills and activities:

  • We made a class bar graph of the pets we have at home.  Be sure to ask your child about some of the unusual (but cool) pets some of our friends have!
  • We played a game using a number grid (0-100) to help us get better acquainted with larger numbers.  It also helped us to practice identifying and locating numbers on a grid.
  • We began working with money.  We talked about the penny and the nickel this week.  We looked at the shape, size, color, and the markings on each one.  See if your child can remember the name of the Presidents who are on those 2 coins!  We also compared our money to coins in other countries.
  • We learned a game called the "Attribute Spinner Game."  For this game, the kids used some cards that had descriptive words on them (thick/thin, large/small, red/blue/yellow, and shape names).  Each student had the chance to pick one descriptor from each card, then another student had to find the shape that was chosen.  They really enjoyed this game.  Check out some pics below.

President's Day
Remember that we do NOT have school on Monday.  Enjoy the 3 day weekend!  Also remember, that I had forgotten to mark this day off on your child's specials calendar (wishful thinking that we could make up one of our snow days), so you will need to bump the special that is written down for Monday, back one day to Tuesday.  

Party Time
I'm going to leave you with some pictures from our Valentine's Day party today!  The kids had a blast!  Thanks to the parents who donated items, and those who were also able to come in and help!  It was a great afternoon!

Austin, Annie, and Fletcher decorating their cookies 
Lane, Ben, Grant, and Makinzi ready for a sweet treat 
John, Logan, Skyler, Zach, Delilah, and Aubrey H are ready to shoot some "arrows."  They used straws to launch a Q-tip towards 3 targets on the floor
Ben, Austin, Lane, and Grant working to make their stained glass heart craft 
Cash, Zach, Skyler, Aubrey H, John, and Delilah icing cookies 
Fletcher, Ben, Grant, Austin, Annie, and Makinzi getting ready to launch their "arrows" 
Taylor, Madison, and Aubrey S checking out their Valentine's cards
Logan and Titus are so silly
Madison and Aubrey S hanging out at the girl's table 
Keylee and Ethan ready to check out their bags 
Zeek found lots of sweet treats in his bag 
Crystal enjoying her Valentine's from her friends 
Ethan and Cooper adding goodies to their cookies 
Jason is really concentrating as he adds his sprinkles to his cookie 

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