Friday, February 21, 2014

Busy Bees!

What a busy week we have had, and next week is looking to be the same!

Body Safety:  Mrs. Vidal (our school counselor) came in this week to talk with us about body safety, as well as good vs bad secrets.  A letter came home in your child's green folder yesterday giving you more information and a website you can visit to see more about what this lesson included.

Carnival Bracelets:  There was a green sheet that came home this week giving info on how to pre-order bracelets for Creekside's Spring Carnival.  This is always a GREAT night of family fun!  Just to clarify, it is open to any child in your family, not just current kids at Creekside.  Older and younger siblings are welcome to attend as well!  The more the merrier, and we always have a blast!  Any child wishing to participate in games and activities that night will need to have a bracelet.  They are cheaper if you order them now, instead of buying them at the door.  The Carnival is jungle themed this year and is on Friday, March 7 from 5:30-8:30 pm.

Scholastic Book Orders:  Order forms for the month of February are coming home today.  If you would like to purchase books, these need to be returned next Friday, February 28.  Remember you can order 2 ways:  Fill out the paper order form on the back of the flyers and send that in with a check, OR you can go online and order via  Our class code for online ordering is J2PCY.

Deputy Baird:  Next week Deputy Baird with the Johnson County Police will be here to talk to the kids about a variety of safety topics.  Be sure to have a conversation with your child about body safety, stranger dangers, and family code words.  Your child will be hearing about these things from Deputy Baird on Wednesday.

Bluegrass Convocation:  Next Thursday we will be having a convocation from a group called the Circle City Bluegrass Band.  They will be presenting us with music and information about Bluegrass music!

Spelling Bee:  Next Friday will be the annual Creekside Spelling Bee.  We will have the opportunity to go and watch our own 3rd and 4th graders compete in this competition here at school.

Around the World:  This week we finished our tour of Argentina by taking a look at a dance style they are known for, the Tango!  We watched a video of some kids our age do this dance.  On Monday the kids will get to learn the basic steps by putting each step to the letters to spell the word, T-A-N-G-O!

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