Friday, January 17, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!

There is a lot of info coming home with your child today!

100th Day of School Activity:  Your child has an activity in their green folder to do in preparation for the 100th day of school.  Please be sure to read the top portion of the paper before you begin.  As always, this is a project for your child to do.  You may help as needed, but please allow them to do most of the work.  This project can be turned in anytime next week.

Scholastic Book Order:  Our January order forms are coming home today.  Remember you can fill out the order forms given, or log in to Scholastic to order on-line.  The Parent Letter on top has our class ordering code.  Also, there is a special coupon for you to receive a free book with your order of $10 or more.  Cool!  Orders are due by next Friday, January 24.

Superkids:  We finished our last lesson for Ettabetta today.  Inside green folders you will find your child's workbook for Ettabetta.  On Tuesday we will take our next Progress Test, and then meet our last Superkid.  I will get the Parent Portal updated on Tuesday for your child to have access to any new games and the new books.

Math:  This week in math we have been hard at work.  Below is a list of skills we have been working on:

  • Ordering daily events
  • Creating and extending patterns that are not color based.  (For this activity we used craft sticks)
  • Practiced describing objects by their attributes (size, shape, color, thickness)
  • Played a "Guess My Number" Game to continue developing number awareness
  • Played a game to help us find the missing number in a sequence
Also coming home today, is the next quarter's Everyday Math at Home book.  Remember, this book is just a sample of activities you can choose to do at home with your child, which extend what your child is learning here in the classroom.  Please take advantage of this great resource!

Writer's Workshop:  Everyday we take a portion of time in the afternoon to work on writing in our Writer's Workshop.  On Tuesday, your child will be coming home with their Journal that they have been using so far to do their writing and drawing.  This first half of the year we have spent our time working on the following:
  • Page orientation (left, right, top, bottom, single page spread, double page spread, front and back cover)
  • Date Writing (1-17-13)
  • Who the Author and Illustrator are and what they do
  • Finding how an author gets ideas for a book, and making a list of topics we can write about (We write about things that we know!)
  • Detailed Drawings
    • Drawing a picture that matches our words
    • Using good size, shape, and color in our pictures (make it realistic!)
    • Attention to detail (5 colors, 5 details)
  • Labels
    • What they are and why we need them
    • Practice labeling the important parts of our pictures
As we continue in the next few weeks we are going to start working on full sentence constructions.  We will learn strategies to help us hear and write the sounds we hear, as well as learning about the parts of a sentence and how to write them completely.  Have your child try to write a complete sentence for you at home this weekend!

Enjoy this 3 day weekend, and see you back on Tuesday!

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