Monday, January 13, 2014

And We're Back!

Welcome back to 2014!  I hope you all had a great holiday and enjoyed the extra days off we had!  While the snow and the few extra days were nice, to be honest, I was ready to come back!!  We have hit the ground running and the countdown to the end of the year has begun.  The kids are anxiously awaiting our 100th day of school (which is next Friday by the way!).

Last week we began a new Super Kid character: Ettabetta.  She loves all things games and puzzles!  Please continue working with your child on the /e/ sound, as well as correct letter formation for capital and lowercase Ee.  *The Parent Portal has been updated.  There are now 5 games for your child to play, along with 2 new books to read!*

Yearbooks:  An order form came home on Friday for your child to order a yearbook.  If you choose to do so, your $14 payment is due by January 31.

Bottle Caps:  Mrs. Shearer (our art teacher) is collecting bottle caps and lids of all shapes, sizes, and colors for a very cool project the kids will get to do.  She will be collecting these through the end of January.  As you pitch items at home, consider saving the lids and sending them in to help her out!

Classroom Calendars:  The Classroom Calendar has been updated for the month of January.  Be sure to check it out to stay up to date on all our classroom happenings!  Also, as of right now, there is still no snack calendar.  We still have quite the snack supply.  Expect a new snack calendar to come out in February.

Homework:  The homework sheets for both this week and next week were created before break, and because we already printed and copied them, we are going to stick with them. So please disregard the dates on the sheets the next couple of weeks.

Snow Make-up Day:  You have probably heard by now that the state is giving schools a waiver for missing Monday and Tuesday of this past week due to the extreme cold so we will NOT have to make up those two days. However, we will be making up the day we missed Wednesday. That make-up day will be on March 14.

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