Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Welcome back from what was hopefully a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  It is hard to believe that it is December already and we are just 3 weeks from Christmas break!  Over the weekend I was able to go and cut down my very first Christmas tree!  It has been a lot of fun getting my house decorated for the holidays!  I love this time of year!

We have been getting ready for the holidays here in the classroom as well!  I love Christmas lights and the ambiance of a room lit by hundreds of lights, so I have decked out our classroom!  The kids were so excited to see all the lights, and our classroom tree as well!  I had to laugh when they seemed shocked that my tree is decorated with penguin ornaments.... duh!  What else would I use?!

We have also started a countdown to help us know how much longer we must wait for Santa to visit us!  Hanging in the hallway, each child has a picture of Santa, except one thing is missing... his beard!  Each day, the kids get to add one cotton ball to help fill in Santa's beard.  When all the circles are filled in, Santa will be coming that night!  They love getting to watch the beard fill in!

I have updated our blog pages for our December Classroom Calendar.  Be sure to check it out so you know what will be taking place this month.  Also, there is no Snack Calendar for December.  We have plenty of snacks right now, and I think we should be able to make it to January before we need to replenish.  Look for another calendar to come home at the beginning of the year.

With Christmas being just around the corner, we have 2 very special events planned for Kindergarten.  The first is our Christmas Party.  It will be on Thursday, December 19 from 1-2 pm.  If you are willing and able to come in and help with the party, please let me know!  

The other event is our Polar Express Day which will be on Friday, December 20th.  More information about this day will be coming home shortly.

Thank you all for allowing me to teach your child.  I am really enjoying this group of kids and I'm blessed to have such a special group to spend my days with!  Have a great afternoon!

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