Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a restful Fall Break and were able to enjoy the time away from school.  (I sure did!)  We are back in the grove and wanted to fill you in on a few things!


We have a new Super Kid friend, Sal!  Sal is bilingual and speaks both English and Spanish.  He also loves all kinds of sports.  We have been working on writing our Capital and Lowercase S, as well as learning the /s/ sound.  We are really working hard to identify the beginning and ending sounds in words.

We have also started talking about nouns (person, place, thing, or animal) and verbs (action words)!  Read these words to your child and have them tell you which it is:   toothbrush     skip      hug      pencil

Also, as the weather is turning colder, I want to remind you to make sure your child is dressing appropriately.  Unless it is raining or snowing, we go outside for recess every morning at 9:45.  This is still fairly early, before the sun has had a chance to warm things up.  Please make sure your child is coming to school with warm coats and hats, gloves, and scarves if necessary.

Halloween Program
As one last reminder, don't forget about our Halloween Program which is coming up on Monday, October 28 at 6 pm in the Creekside gym.  The kids are super excited about this!  We have been busy practicing for it all week, and I'm sure you are getting to hear some of the songs at home as well!  Be sure to mark it on your calendars and I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

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