Friday, October 25, 2013


Today we finished our tour of Greece!  It's been a while since we initially talked about the country, so we did a quick refresher of what all we saw a few weeks ago.  After that, I taught the kids a traditional Greek Dance called the Sirtos (I'm sure the mental images are flooding in about now!).  Naturally it was modified just a bit, but the kids did a pretty good job with this!  We learned a few basic steps, then gathered in a circle to try it out to some traditional Greek music.  Have your child try and show you at home!  Check out these pics below!

In our starting position....
and ready to dance!
Moving forwards and backwards.

Doing some cross steps.

Rotating around the circle.

For math this week we continued our work with patterns.  The kids had the chance to make a macaroni bracelet here in class using either an AB, AAB, or ABB pattern.  We also spent some time learning about a pan balance and how it is used to compare the weight of different objects.  The kids had a chance to make a prediction about which of 2 objects would be heavier.  They had a great time seeing if they were right or wrong!

Halloween Program
Don't forget about our Halloween Program on Monday night.  The doors will open at 6 pm for you to bring your child to our classroom.  We will begin the program around 6:10.  Just as a reminder, your child is to wear their costume for the program ONLY.  Please do not send them in their costume for the regular school day.

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday!


  1. Cute. I bet it took a while to get everyone's hands right in the circle!

  2. It was a struggle at first, but once they figured it out they could get set back up pretty quick!
