Friday, May 23, 2014

Almost there!

I can hardly believe we are heading into our final week!  Let me get you caught up on the end of this week's happenings!

Day #4 Balloon:  Extra recess!  We enjoyed a great afternoon outside playing yesterday!

Day #3 Balloon:  Today's balloon was a "snowball" fight!  We used paper from the recycling bin to wad up into our "snowballs!"  The kids got into 2 teams and had 1 minute to throw the snowballs across the room.  At the end of the minute, we counted up the snowballs on each side and the team with the fewest number of snowballs on their side won!

Ready, aim....


Boomer Convocation:  On Thursday we got to hang out with Boomer from the Indiana Pacers!  He talked with us about healthy lifestyles:  getting fit and eating healthy, along with doing our best in school!

Final Reminders:  Please read carefully!  New information is listed in Blue
  • Kindergarten Graduation (Tuesday, May 27)
    • Have your child dress as their favorite Superkid character
    • The program will be from 1-2pm
    • When you arrive, please proceed straight to the gym.  We will begin with a program from all 5 K classes.  Then each class will come back to the stage to receive his/her diploma from Mr. Heiden.  Once all classes have been given their certificate, we will return to our classroom.
    • Once in the classroom, the kids will be sitting on the floor.  Parents and family members will need to sit in the chairs.  If you have a stroller or would prefer to stand, please position yourself towards the back.
    • I have put together a video of pictures from our year together!  This will be shared on Tuesday.  If you would like a copy of the video, along with any pictures I have taken of your child this year, please send in a flash drive/jump drive to school before Thursday so I can get those copied for you to have!  Please be sure to send in the flash drive in a ziplock baggie with your child's name on the front.
  • Field Day (Wednesday, May 28)
    • We will be outside a good portion of the day.  Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather.
    • Hats and sunglasses are fine!  Please be sure to put sunscreen on your child that morning.
    • Your child may bring a beach towel to sit on for our picnic lunch!
  • Last Day of School (Thursday, May 29)
    • Don't forget to send in your child's green folder AND backpack.  They will be coming home with NWEA scores and their last report card. 

Enjoy the nice weather this weekend!

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