Friday, April 18, 2014

It's the Final Countdown...

Well, Spring Fever has hit!  The kids are amped up, and so am I!  It's hard to believe that we are just 28 days from the end of our year!  I have a lot to let you know about, so stick with me!

NWEA:  We will be taking our final NWEA test next week from 12:40-1:20.  Please do your very best to make sure your child is here to take this every day.  Also, be sure to chat with them about taking their time to answer each question, as well as making sure they get a good night's rest and healthy breakfast each day.

DIBELS:  We will also begin taking our end of year DIBELS and TRC (Reading) tests here soon.  I will be doing the reading portion with each child individually, and Mrs. Boshears and her assistants will be administering the rest.  The scores for DIBELS and NWEA will go home once the testing window has closed.

Field Day:  I just can't believe that we are talking about the end of the year!  Field Day will be taking place on Wednesday, May 28.  This is an ALL DAY (OUTDOOR) event that is so much fun for the kids, teachers, and parent volunteers.  If you would be willing to help out and volunteer this day, please email Mrs. Boshears.   Today, in your child's folder, is an order form for a Field Day T-shirt.  Please be sure to fill this out and return it by May 2 so your child will get their t-shirt.  Each grade level gets their own unique color!

Kindergarten Awards Day:  This is a very special event taking place on Tuesday, May 27 from 1-2pm. The kids have been working very hard on practicing 6 of our favorite Superkids songs to sing for you on the stage in the gym.  Each of the students will be able to dress up like their favorite Superkids character!  You can look through our Superkids books or the online portal to help your child begin to think about what their costume might look like!  After our songs, each child will receive their Kindergarten diploma.  Then we will return to our classroom for our own special awards and an end of year video!  Make plans now to be here that day!

Vietnam:  We finished up our trip to Vietnam yesterday.  Austin and Jason's Mom and Aunt were back to share some great things with us.  The kids had the chance to make the Vietnam flag, as well as try a special snack, Pocky, which they LOVED!

Jason and Austin with their Vietnam flags

Fletcher, Skyler, Grant, and Lane trying Pocky

The 2 kinds of Pocky the kids could choose from

Have a great weekend!!

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