Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Happenings!


Hickory, dickory, my name is Doc!  

Today we began a new Super Kid, Doc! She loves to fix broken toys, as well as create new inventions.  We have learned lowercase and capital Dd, as well as the /d/ sound.  We are continuing our work with rhyming words, as well as finding the initial sounds in words.

Something new this unit is blending.  This is the beginning of our journey to becoming readers!    The students will do a lot of work with blending two sounds together.

Have your child try to blend these nonsense words with the sounds we have already learned:  

da     oc     ac     co     ga     od     og

Math:  In math lately, we have worked with patterns.  We also learned a few counting games.  We created a class number board to help reinforce our numbers.  We learned our numbers 11-19 and have named them our ‘Tricky Teen’ numbers.  We learned the word ‘digits’ and talked about what digits we need to make different numbers.

Walk-a-Thon:  Don't forget that all Walk-a-Thon money is due on Wednesday.  The Walk-a-Thon will be on Friday from 1:00-1:30 for all of Kindergarten!

Have a great afternoon!

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