Friday, May 23, 2014

Almost there!

I can hardly believe we are heading into our final week!  Let me get you caught up on the end of this week's happenings!

Day #4 Balloon:  Extra recess!  We enjoyed a great afternoon outside playing yesterday!

Day #3 Balloon:  Today's balloon was a "snowball" fight!  We used paper from the recycling bin to wad up into our "snowballs!"  The kids got into 2 teams and had 1 minute to throw the snowballs across the room.  At the end of the minute, we counted up the snowballs on each side and the team with the fewest number of snowballs on their side won!

Ready, aim....


Boomer Convocation:  On Thursday we got to hang out with Boomer from the Indiana Pacers!  He talked with us about healthy lifestyles:  getting fit and eating healthy, along with doing our best in school!

Final Reminders:  Please read carefully!  New information is listed in Blue
  • Kindergarten Graduation (Tuesday, May 27)
    • Have your child dress as their favorite Superkid character
    • The program will be from 1-2pm
    • When you arrive, please proceed straight to the gym.  We will begin with a program from all 5 K classes.  Then each class will come back to the stage to receive his/her diploma from Mr. Heiden.  Once all classes have been given their certificate, we will return to our classroom.
    • Once in the classroom, the kids will be sitting on the floor.  Parents and family members will need to sit in the chairs.  If you have a stroller or would prefer to stand, please position yourself towards the back.
    • I have put together a video of pictures from our year together!  This will be shared on Tuesday.  If you would like a copy of the video, along with any pictures I have taken of your child this year, please send in a flash drive/jump drive to school before Thursday so I can get those copied for you to have!  Please be sure to send in the flash drive in a ziplock baggie with your child's name on the front.
  • Field Day (Wednesday, May 28)
    • We will be outside a good portion of the day.  Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather.
    • Hats and sunglasses are fine!  Please be sure to put sunscreen on your child that morning.
    • Your child may bring a beach towel to sit on for our picnic lunch!
  • Last Day of School (Thursday, May 29)
    • Don't forget to send in your child's green folder AND backpack.  They will be coming home with NWEA scores and their last report card. 

Enjoy the nice weather this weekend!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


What a great week we are having!  Let me get you caught up on our Balloon Popping activities:

Our #7 Balloon was Beach Day!!

Our #6 Balloon was a Popsicle Party!! 

Our #5 Balloon today was a Paper Airplane Contest!!
We tried to make one ourselves first, and tested these in the classroom.
Then we watched a YouTube video and created better ones.  We tested these out in the hallway!
Then Miss Records tested out her airplane against the classroom winner... and it was a tie!
Congrats to Austin for creating the best paper airplane!

Boomer Convocation:  Tomorrow is our Boomer (from the Pacers) convocation.  He will be here to talk about healthy living, and will also be doing a Slam Dunk Show!  To show our support of Boomer, and the Pacers in their playoff run, tomorrow will be Pacers Spirit Wear Day!  If you don't have anything Pacers, feel free to wear yellow and blue!

Superkids and Math:  We are finishing up our last unit in Superkids (Zz) and our last chapter of math.  There will be one more fluency builder coming home tomorrow and our last math Homelink will also be coming home tomorrow!

Power Writing:  The kids have spent the last few weeks working on writing a fun story.  We have talked about Power Writing and how we put sentences together to form a story.  Our P1 is our main idea, then we us P2 sentences to support our story.  The kids wrote a story based on a book we read in class, "What If You Had Animal Hair?"  The kids each chose their own animal and wrote about what it would be like to have hair like this animal.  These were so much fun to write and are hanging in the hallway.  You will be able to see them next week at Kindergarten Graduation!

DIBELS Scores:  Your child is coming home with their DIBELS scores for reading today.  We finished the math testing today and those scores will be coming home on Friday!

Friday, May 16, 2014


What a stinky day today was!  Before you worry that we had a crummy day... let me tell you that our balloon this morning said we could leave our shoes off in our classroom!  By the end of the day, I may have been regretting that choice just a little bit!  :)

Makinzi popping today's balloon!

Check out these feet!

Stinky feet!!!

Just hangin' out!

Monday:  We did go ahead and pop our balloon for Monday.  I knew the kids (and you) would want some time to prep for this one!  Zeek popped our #7 balloon to reveal that Monday will be BEACH DAY!!  (I'm hoping that this will usher back in our nice warm weather!)  The kids have been told they may bring in sunglasses, hats, and beach towels for Monday.

Green Folders:  There is a time sensitive piece of paper in your child's Green Folder today.  Please make sure you take a look at this, as it needs to be turned back in on Monday!

Enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Final Countdown!!

When the kids came in this morning, they found 10 balloons hanging from our calendar wall!  We will be counting down the final days of school by popping one balloon each day to reveal a special surprise!  Jason got to pop today's balloon which revealed a message to do Just Dance videos!

Our balloon countdown!

Dancing away!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

BOGO, Food Drive, and T-Shirts!

Random.... I know!  Nonetheless, here are a few things to make you aware of!

BOGO:  Don't forget the BOGO (Buy One Get One FREE) Book Fair starts tomorrow night.  From 4-7 pm parents (and students) are able to come in and shop for great books to read this summer!  The book fair will also run during the school day from May 15-20.  If you are unable to attend tomorrow night, you can always send in money with your child for them to go down and shop.  Parent helpers will be on hand to help!  Your child came home with a flyer today previewing a small sample of what will be available for purchase.

Food Drive:  The Johnson County Sheriffs Department is holding a canned food drive over the next 2 weeks.  Children are asked to donate canned food here at school.  Each day your child brings in a canned food item, they have the opportunity to enter their name in a raffle to win a BIKE!  The winner will be chosen on Field Day!  :)

College T-Shirt Day:  Next Tuesday, May 20 will be College T-Shirt Day at school!  Your child is highly encouraged to participate if possible!  If your child does not have a T-shirt from a college or university, they can always wear the t-shirt we made for our Franklin College visit!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Pictures and More

We have had one great week!  It has been very busy, but so much fun!!

Children's Museum:  We had such a great time at the Children's Museum on Tuesday!  Thanks to all the parents who went along to help!  Enjoy these pics!

Out of the Dawg House:  On Wednesday we had the opportunity to attend a convocation featuring Butler University's acappella group "Out of the Dawg House."  We had such a great time listening to this group perform for us!

3rd Grade Spring Program:  On Thursday we were able to listen to our 3rd graders and 4th grade choir do a dress rehearsal for their program.  The theme was Disney and we had a great time listening to popular Disney songs!

Celebrations:  This week was also full of classroom celebrations!  We (FINALLY!) filled our 2nd Popsicle Chart for having 20 days of perfect attendance.  We were able to have popsicles one afternoon for that.  Also, on Tuesday, we earned our 20th Fuzzy for our Fuzzy Jar!  Today we enjoyed popcorn and watched Frozen!  Such a great ending to a great week!

May Reminders:  
  • BOGO Book Fair
    • May 14-20
    • Parent Shopping Night:  May 14, 4-7pm
  • Kindergarten Graduation
    • May 27, 1-2pm
    • Have your child dress as their favorite Superkid character
    • Don't forget a camera!
  • Field Day
    • May 28
  • Last Day of School
    • May 29
    • Please be sure your child has a bookbag this day, as lots will be coming home.  Including your child's LAST report card!

Wishing all of you Moms a Happy Mother's Day this weekend!  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your child's life!

Monday, May 5, 2014

This Week

Hello Parents!

We are off to a great start this week!  The kids earned 2 fuzzies in their jar today.  The first was from a good report from our sub on Friday (I have been sick all weekend, and naturally the weather would be great while I'm feeling bad...go figure!).  The second was from a good report from lunch today.  The kids need 1 more fuzzy to get to 20 and earn a reward!

Homework:  As some of you will have already noticed, there is no homework sheet coming home!  We are done with "official" homework sheets!  The kids will still have some leveled readers, fluency builders, and math homelinks coming home, so keep an eye out for those.  But... we are done with nightly homework!

Field Trip:  Our last field trip of the year is TOMORROW!  Don't forget to send in a sack lunch with your child and remind them to wear their dinosaur t-shirt!!  There is a reminder letter in your child's green folder with more info about tomorrow!

End of Year Activities:  I will be reminding you often of some of our end of year activities.  These are always so much fun and I know your child won't want to miss out!  Don't forget to be thinking about what Superkids character your child will dress up as for our Kindergarten Graduation on Tuesday, May 27!

  • Tuesday, May 27  Kindergarten Graduation.  This will be from 1-2pm, starting in the Gym and finishing in our classroom.  Any family members are encouraged and welcomed to come.  Don't forget to have your child dress as their favorite Superkid!!  (Rumor has it the teachers are dressing up too!)
  • Wednesday, May 28  Field Day!  
  • Thursday, May 29  Last day of school!!

Looking forward to a great day tomorrow!