Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gobble, Gobble

We made it through our Thanksgiving Mini-Feast!  Thanks to all the parents who donated items, helped with prep work today, and just came to hang out!  We had a great time!  Check out the fun:

All of Kindergarten enjoying the feast!
Ben, Ethan, Keylee, Caleb
Titus, Skyler, Annie, Makinzi, Aubrey H.
Aubrey S, Crystal, Madison, Taylor
Logan, Fletcher, Cooper, Delilah
John, Cash, Zeek, Zach
Grant, Austin, Lane, Jason
Miss Records' crazies!

I hope everyone has a wonderful break and a joyous Thanksgiving with loved ones.  This will be quite the weekend for me as well as Saturday will be a special birthday... the big 3-0!  Wow!  Have a wonderful break and enjoy these 2 funnies!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Saludos desde Mexico

Hello from Mexico!

On Friday we traveled back to North America to the country of Mexico!  We took a look at the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum and Chichen Itza.  We also saw some Voladores who perform a breathtaking ritual representing earth, wind, fire, water, and the sun.  We saw a traditional May Pole dance, and finished by talking about cenotes (underground pools of freshwater).  Check out these sites!

The Voladores as they hang upside down, spinning to the ground.

One of the many buildings that make up the ruins of Tulum along the Yucatan coast. 
Underground cenotes.  Over 1,000 of these freshwater pits dot the Yucatan peninsula.

Mexican May Pole Dance.

Chichen Itza.

Tomorrow is our Mini-Feast.  Parents are welcome to meet us in the cafeteria at 1:30 for the celebration.  If your child has not brought in their piece of fruit for our "Friendship Fruit Salad," please do so in the morning. 

Also, don't forget that book orders for Christmas are due tomorrow as well.  You can either order online or send in the order form and money with your child in the morning.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's Been Too Long!

It has been quite a while since I have sent out some info, so I'm apologizing now for all that this post will entail!  We have just been so busy lately that I have a lot to share!  So... here we go:

Super Kids
We have met not 1, but 3 new friends this week!  Tic, Tac, and Toc are 3 good friends who get themselves into "triple trouble!"  They love playing games and sports, as well as listening to and making music.  As we work through this unit, we will be working on letter formation for the letter Tt, as well as the sound /t/.  Continue working with your child on working out sounds in words to hear each part.


The Parent Portal has also been updated.  There are 2 new books to read, as well as a new game to play!

We have been really busy in math lately, learning lots of new games.  Last week we learned a game called "Train Games."  The kids rolled a die and got to build a train using that number of cubes.  The first one to create a train of 10 cubes was the winner.  Check out these pictures.

The other day we played a game using a Teen's Frame.  This board has 20 squares on it.  The kids worked with a partner to spin a number and then show it on their board using the correct number of counters.  Here are a few pics from that game.

Crystal and Annie working hard to create their number.

Skyler and Fletcher working away.

The last math game we have learned is called "Top It."  It is a lot like the card game "War."  You will have the chance to play this game for tonight's math homework.  Here are some pictures from yesterday.

Ben, Titus, and Cash

Crystal and Annie

Caleb and Cooper

On Monday I will be sending home information about how you can access our Online portion of our Everyday Math series and play some of these games at home!

A Bit of Fun!
We also got to celebrate earning our 20 perfect days of attendance this week.  We had a popsicle party to celebrate our accomplishments.  We only need 16 more perfect days to earn another party!

Zeek, Titus, Annie, and Cash enjoy their popsicles!

Thanksgiving Fun
We took some time to make a craft for Thanksgiving.  The kids each made their own turkey, and then wrote 4 things they are thankful for.  These are on display in the hallway.

Our Kindergarten Mini-Feast is on Tuesday, November 26.  More information about this will be coming home on Friday!  Be on the look out for these details!

I have one final picture to leave you with....  I couldn't pass up sharing the view from my beach chair last week.  Aaaahhhhh...... Mexico!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

What a day we have had!!  It was a fun filled, celebratory Friday!  For starters, our class won this week's Colts point (finally!!)  The score is now 3-5.  The kids were super excited and ready to try and close the gap a bit more next week.  In addition, we finally filled up our first chart for having 20 perfect days of school (everyone here and on-time!)  WOOHOO!!  We will get to celebrate with a Popsicle party next week!  Lastly, we finished our unit in Superkids and will be moving on to a new friend on Monday.  To finish out the unit, we did some fun crafts this morning.  We got to be like Doc and create a flying invention!  We also joined Lily and her love for lions by making our own toy lion!  Whew!!

And if that wasn't enough, we finished our tour of China today talking a bit about the Chinese New Year.  The kids really enjoyed seeing all the dragon parades.  We even watched a bit of the Opening Ceremonies from the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.  We tried our hand at one more craft today and made a paper lantern!  Check out the pics below of our fun day!

Chinese New Year

Cash and Logan showing off their Chinese lanterns

Cooper and Makinzi with their lions

Monday is Veterans day.  In honor, we are asking all Creeksiders to wear Red, White, and Blue!  Also, don't forget to check out the snack calendar to see who is to bring in snacks this next week!

Enjoy your weekend!!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Today we left sunny Greece and Europe behind for the misty mountains of Asia!  Our travels led us to China.  We had a great time checking out The Great Wall, pagoda style temples, the Forbidden City, and The Bund.  We also talked about some Chinese cuisine, including rice and Peking Duck.  We ended our tour learning about the Terra Cotta Warriors.  Check out the pictures below!

Pagoda style Temple

Forbidden City in Beijing

Great Wall
Terracotta Warrior

Terracotta Army collection near Xi'an 

The Bund in Shanghai

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy Trick-or-Treating tonight!  Here is a funny video to send you on your way!